The Impact model

Attitudes & values
– the organization’s ground rules

About the Impact model
A holistic approach, as well as insight into the business and the significance of the individual’s role and participation in the operation, are key concepts in the successful running and development of companies and organisations.
The management’s task is to decide on what is to be adopted within each main area and to communicate that in the form of a straightforward, unambiguous message. Within this framework, the company management engage and involve everyone in the organisation in focusing totally on achieving the desired result.
The Impact model makes the connections simple, clear and easily understood. It is a tool to create a common view of how the operation is to be run. It also enables everyone to contribute to achieving successful results.
How it works
The Impact model can function as:
- an instrument for analysing how the operation works
- a decision instrument for the development and definition of the vision, mission, goals and strategies
- a control instrument for implementing and following up goals and strategies